Step 3
Celebrate Your Future Success
After writing down your goal, mentally place yourself in the future, to a day where your
goal has been accomplished, and feel the happiness and excitement you would be feeling,
knowing that you have accomplished your goal.
Just pretend it is, for example, three months from today, and on that day you have reached
your goal. Let's say that this future day is the day you start the new job you have been
working towards, or on that day you weigh yourself and you are 10 pounds lighter, or on
that day you leave for the vacation you've been dreaming about.
Whatever it is, just move forward in your mind to that day, and PRETEND that your goal has
been reached, and FEEL the emotions which you would feel if you had actually reached
your goal.
Feel the happiness, feel the success, feel the proud accomplishment of knowing that you
can use your own inner power to change your life. Imagine what next goal you'll now go for
since you've reached this first one. Plan a celebration for yourself, and imagine how great
you will feel when you celebrate your accomplishment.
Just generate that postive emotion for a minute or two, and just bask in it for a few
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